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Use of SAKI Logo and Publication Approvals

NCJ Number
Date Published
2 pages

The U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA’s) National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Team reports updates to the SAKI publication and resource development process.


The topics addressed in this report are the use of the SAKI logo, the publication review process, how to submit a deliverable in JustGrants, and contact information for additional guidance on these issues. Regarding the use of the SAKI logo, it is requested the logo only be used with permission from BJA and the SAKI TTA Team. The procedure for obtaining such permission is explained. Regarding the publication review process, this report notes what it terms slight changes. Further clarification is provided on this process, which is required by a grant’s special conditions. Detailed instructions are provided for the three steps of the publication review process. Procedural guidance is also provided for the submission of a deliverable in the JustGrants website. Once the grant manager receives the notification that a deliverable is waiting for approval, the document will be reviewed to ensure it is the final version. The deliverable submission has only one level of approval in JustGrants, which enables rapid approval. The report recommends that grantees contact their BJA grant manager and SAKI Site Liaison for further guidance on these issues.
