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Use of Psychoactive Drugs in Colombia, 1996

NCJ Number
E R Ospina
Date Published
140 pages
Drug use in Colombia was surveyed based on a sample of 18,770 individuals between 12 and 60 years of age who lived in noninstitutional households in 1996.
The survey focused on individuals who initiated drug use during the last year for the following patterns of use: frequency and intensity of drug use, age at initial drug use, age at which drug use stopped, length of drug use, reasons for abandoning drug use, and perception of other aspects related to drug use and the link between drug use and violence. Interviews were conducted using household and individual questionnaires. Items in individual questionnaires covered the use of legal psychoactive drugs (cigarettes, alcohol, inhalants, tranquilizers, sedatives, and stimulants) and the use of illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, morphine, and heroin). Items related to sociodemographic characteristics of respondents were also included. Survey findings showed 6.5 percent of Colombians used an illegal drug at some point in their lives. Drug use prevalence was four times greater among men than among women, and most new drug users were in the 12-17 age group. Marijuana was the primary illegal drug used; 5.4 percent of the population had used it at least once, compared to 1.6 percent for cocaine. Heroin drug use prevalence was very low. About 18.5 percent of Colombians smoked cigarettes during the last month and 21.4 percent smoked cigarettes during the last year. Corresponding figures for alcohol were 35 percent for last month use and 59.8 percent for last year use. Approximately 16 percent of the population were estimated to be alcoholic or at risk of becoming alcoholic. Less than 1 percent of the population used psychoactive drugs during the last year, while last year use of inhalants was 6.7 percent. Recommendations on drug prevention programs and target groups are offered. Annexes contain additional information on the survey design, sampling errors, and Colombian municipalities selected for the survey. 66 tables and 16 charts