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Use of Part-Time Sworn Police Personnel and the Impact on Recruiting and Retention

NCJ Number
T A Frost
Date Published
89 pages
This California study consists of a futures study on employing part-time police officers and the impact on officer recruitment and retention by the year 2000; a model strategic plan; and a transition management plan for the police department in Fresno, Calif.
The futures study indicates that the demand for law enforcement personnel will continue to increase with a continuing increase in California's population. Simultaneously, the median retirement age will decrease, and the availability of workers in the 18-24 age category (the group from which law enforcement hires) will continue to decline through 1995. A panel of experts forecasted that part-time positions will be required for future policing, that the recruiting pool for women will double, that the retention rate for women officers will rise, and that older officers will view part-time work as an option to retirement from full-time employment. The model organization studied for strategic planning development was the Fresno Police Department. An organizational analysis of this agency was conducted to determine its weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and strengths. A panel developed policies deemed desirable and feasible. These are an extended career program through the use of part-time employment and a retiree part-time employment job pool. A study then examined the critical mass needed to make the strategic plan happen. Appended graphs and charts, supplementary information, 35 notes, and a 24-item bibliography