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Urinary Ortho-Cresol Concentrations as an Indicator of Toluene Inhalation in Glue-Sniffers

NCJ Number
Journal of the Forensic Science Society Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Dated: (1992) Pages: 215-223
K Yamasaki; E Tanaka; S Misawa
Date Published
9 pages
Gas chromotography and high performance liquid chromotography were used to analyze the urine and expired air of 75 Japanese males to test for glue sniffing.
The thinners that glue sniffers often inhale are a mixture of organic solvents, with toluene a major constituent. Therefore, the tests focused on the presence of toluene or its metabolites as an indication of paint thinners, paints, or glues. The participants were 30 male glue sniffers ages 15-23, 13 male non-sniffers ages 20-27 who were not exposed to organic solvents, and 32 male industrial workers ages 18-40 who were regularly exposed to organic solvents for 8 hours a day at their factory. The samples from glue sniffers were collected within 2 hours of inhalation and those from the industrial workers at the end of the 8-hour shift. Samples from the non-sniffers were collected in the morning before a meal. Findings revealed significant differences among the three groups in the expired air toluene, urinary hippuric acid, and ortho-cresol concentrations. Moreover, a better correlation existed between expired air toluene and urinary ortho-cresol concentrations than between toluene and hippuric acid. Results suggested that urinary ortho-cresol is a good indicator of toluene inhalation in glue sniffers. Figures, table, and 18 references (Author abstract modified)