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Urban Crime Prevention Program - Guideline Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
91 pages
This guidebook is designed to assist applicants in preparing grant applications for the Urban Crime Prevention Program (UCPP), a new Federal effort in urban community crime prevention based on successful pilot models.
Detailed information is provided on UCPP program objectives, structure, and types of models that will be funded. The principal goals of the UCPP are to increase neighborhood participation and problemsolving capacity and to forge a working partnership among neighborhood groups, criminal justice agencies, and other public and private sector institutions in new community crime prevention efforts. Components of these broadly stated goals are innovative approach, neighborhood orientation, and partnership. The program's organizational structure at each of the local levels will operate through a grantee, its advisory council, and project organizations. Each grant will be used to make allocations of up to $50,000 each to 5 to 15 project organizations. While the UCPP will provide overall assistance and direction to all projects in the areas of technical assistance, program evaluation, and training, grantees and project organizations will also be involved in performing these functions. The project models are in the following areas: (1) community dispute settlement project, (2) arson project, (3) project to reduce the impact of property crime victimization, and (4) community victim and witness project. Also discussed are the special emphasis on the use of volunteers and eligibility and selection criteria. Appendixes provide general and specific regulations and guidelines to assist in applying for financial assistance.