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United States Sentencing Commission, Annual Report 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
340 pages
The six chapters of this United States Sentencing Commission report for 1990 address administration and legal issues, outline guidelines' amendments, review monitoring/evaluation efforts and research studies, and report on the provision of training and technical assistance.
Monitoring statistics for 1990 continued to show a stable rate of guideline application. Sentences imposed from October 1, 1989, through September 30, 1990, were within the guideline range established by the court in 83.4 percent of the cases. The rate at which defendants chose to plead guilty has remained essentially constant since nationwide implementation of the guidelines. The Commission provided guideline application training to approximately 4,028 individuals at 78 training sessions across the country in 1990 and continued their leadership roles in two special research projects: the Alternatives to Imprisonment project and a study of plea negotiations and prosecutorial charging practices under the guidelines. 13 figures, 27 tables, and 3 appendixes