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Unit Management Principles of Correctional Operations: Linkages to the Mission Document of the Correctional Service of Canada

NCJ Number
J Marshall
Date Published
29 pages
The Correctional Service of Canada has created a mission document designed to provide clear direction for staff in carrying out daily responsibilities and to establish a proactive approach to dealing with future challenges. The Unit Management model, to be implemented in all institutions will be the vehicle through which the mission statement, with its core values, guiding principles, and strategic objectives, will be achieved.
This document presents the principles of correctional operations for Unit Management in accompaniment with the relevant parts of the mission statement. The goals of correctional operations are to ensure: a meaningful interaction between teams of staff and groups of inmates; an integration in the roles of staff team members of case management, program functions, and security; decisionmaking on institutional operations and inmate management at the lowest possible staff level; and individual and group responsibility and accountability. Furthermore, the mission statement emphasizes: the need for positive communication between management, staff, and Union of Solicitor General employees; the role of an excluded manager during times of major inmate activity; the importance of having a correctional officer's primary place of work be in the areas of inmate activity; and the value of consistency and continuity in the application of operations within and between institutions. 1 figure