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Uniform Arbitration Act

NCJ Number
Date Published
11 pages
This pamphlet provides the text of the model Uniform Arbitration Act whose provisions cover minimum standards of procedure for arbitration proceedings and rules for confirming awards in court and invalidating awards on limited grounds.
The Uniform Arbitration Act was adopted by the National Conference of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1955 and approved by the American Bar Association in 1956. Many modern arbitration laws are similar to the Act and endow agreements to arbitrate with the same protections given to other private agreements. Specific areas addressed by the Act include proceedings to stay or compel arbitration, appointment of arbitrators by the court, representation by an attorney, witnesses and depositions, arbitrators' fees and expenses, awards, docketing, and venue. The pamphlet also lists arbitration statutes in the United States as of January 1982.