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Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Victim Services

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024

Webinar hosts, Janine Zweig, Stacy Lee, and Erica Howell, talk with guests including researchers about their study of how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the demand for victim service provision as well as some lasting changes to service models, and impacts on various communities.


This webinar, presented by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), features researchers who report on how COVID-19 affected the demand for victim service provision as well as the impacts of local culture and mandates on victim service models in the short- and long-term, and the differences in impacts between rural and urban settings and across types of victim service providers. Guests include representatives from RTI International’s Victimization and Response program, along with grantees of the OVW about the pandemic’s impacts on their communities and in their work. The NIJ and OVW work closely to study gender-based violence and potential solutions that can best support the work of grantees in their efforts to support abuse survivors and to hold offenders accountable. They discuss the OVW’s most recent congressional report, which is available on their website, on COVID-19’s impact on victim services, and OVW-funded activities including Joyce Kao’s work as the Clinical Manager at the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence and Kelly Moe Litke’s work as interim Executive Director at the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault.