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Understanding Drug Issues: A Workbook of Photocopiable Resources Raising Issues for Young People

NCJ Number
D Emmett; G Nice
Date Published
165 pages
This resource book contains 18 original exercises, which are photocopiable as worksheets or as overhead projections, designed to expand participants' understanding of the issues surrounding illegal drug use.
In an effort not to intimidate, judge, or manipulate youth into not using drugs, the exercises are designed to allow participants to explore their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about today's drug culture, encouraging them to look at the subject in a less insular manner and to consider a whole range of possibilities. They are encouraged to reason and decide for themselves how they feel about the many issues raised. The exercises focus on such issues as drug legalization, the importance of deciding whether or not to use drugs, the danger in various drug-related activities, the origin and meaning of drug slang, the effects of various drugs, who is affected by drug abuse, reasons that youth begin or stop using drugs, and the pros and cons of illegal drug use compared with those of medicines and prescribed drugs. Health issues and laws and penalties are also addressed in the exercises. The format for each exercise consists of a suggested age group, an outline of the exercise, the purpose and expected outcomes of the exercise, an outline of the teaching method to be used, notes for the teacher or group leader, and suggested follow-up exercises. Photocopiable materials to be presented to the participants are provided for each exercise. Appended list of national helping agencies in the United Kingdom


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