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Understanding and Reducing Deaths in Custody, Interim Summary Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2024
6 pages

This interim summary report was created in partial fulfillment of the statutory study requirement under the Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA) of 2013 which requires the Attorney General to conduct a study and submit a report to Congress. The Office of Justice Programs’ (OJP’s) National Institute of Justice (NIJ) commissioned a study conducted by RTI International to advance knowledge and understanding of deaths in custody and to develop recommendations that support efforts to prevent and reduce such deaths. This report to Congress summarizes key information, findings, and recommendations included in an interim report produced by the RTI research team. It does not constitute the final report to satisfy the statutory study requirement under DCRA because primary research is ongoing to address specific questions raised in the DCRA statute regarding the relationship between the number of in-custody deaths and the actions of management in jails, prisons, and other facilities. The final report to Congress to satisfy the statutory study requirement is anticipated in mid-2025.