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Understand Gang Codes of Conduct

NCJ Number
Police: The Law Enforcement Magazine Volume: 23 Issue: 8 Dated: August 1999 Pages: 54-57
Al Valdez
Date Published
August 1999
4 pages
This article examines how gang codes and interaction among gang members foster violent and other criminal behavior.
After joining a gang, a member's learned behavior reflects the codes and attitudes prevalent in the gang, as the gang member attempts to gain the acceptance, friendship, and respect of other gang members. The gang code, ethic, and morals are based in respect and reputation for the gang and for its individual members. Members are thus motivated to protect and enhance individual and gang respect and reputation. Any disrespect or challenge to the gang or one of its members requires a response or a punishment. The response is usually violent and criminal. Violence thus becomes the standard means for dealing with any person or rival gang whose behavior is interpreted to show disrespect for the gang. Gang members welcome the opportunity to prove themselves to the rest of the gang because of the positive reinforcement they receive. When the gang code focuses on criminal behavior as a means of gaining status in the gang, then it is not surprising that gang members seek to build a reputation in the gang by engaging in increasingly daring criminal behavior. Understanding these dynamics can help police officers develop appropriate strategies for dealing with gangs and gang members