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UNAFEI (United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders) Report for 1979 and Resource Material Series, Number 18

NCJ Number
Date Published
171 pages
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) presents its 1979 annual report and resource material produced during the 53rd International Training Course on the Roles of the Criminal Justice System in Crime Prevention.
The annual report reviews the main activities and events of 1979 and considers prospects for 1980. Part 1 of the resource material presents experts' papers dealing with crime prevention. One paper describes various experiments in the field of anticipatory crime prevention in the United States, emphasizing the necessity for and the requirements of a proper evaluation of those experiments. Another paper reviews current problems, issues, and tendencies in criminological research, with attention to crime prevention and penal policy. Issues that must be addressed in penal policy and crime prevention are identified. Another presentation points to the current disillusionment with the rehabilitation model and the trend toward punitive sanctions and incapacitation as the primary means of controlling crime. Continuing experimentation with and evaluation of rehabilitation programs is recommended as well as evaluation of the effectiveness of punitive sanctions and incapacitation in reducing crime. Part 2 presents participants' papers that deal with crime data and police response in Malaysia and Singapore, a proposal for prosecutorial reforms in Thailand, 10 keys to the improvement of criminal investigation in Japan. Part 3 consists of summaries of group workshop reports. For individual entries, see NCJ 85474-80.