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UNAFEI Newsletter, No. 104, February 2001

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2001
37 pages
This newsletter of the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) summarizes proceedings of UNAFEI's 117th International Seminar, entitled "Current Situation and Countermeasures Against Money Laundering" (January 15 - February 16, 2001) as well as the proceedings of the Nepal-UNAFEI Joint Seminar, entitled "Effective Countermeasures to Combat Organized Crime in Criminal Justice Processes" (December 19-22, 2000).
During the 5 weeks of the 117th International Seminar, participants examined measures to strengthen and improve international cooperation in the fight against transnational organized crime, primarily through comparative analysis of the current situation and problems of preventing money laundering in the international arena. The seminar involved lectures, workshop sessions, observation visits, and group study tours. An examination of the current situation of money laundering involved the presentation of relevant data, the identification of major transnational organized criminal groups and their activities, the criminalization of money laundering, the scope and extension of predicate offenses for money laundering, the function and activities of Financial Intelligence Units, the cooperation by banks and non-bank financial institutions, and asset confiscation. There was also a discussion of specific money laundering cases to identify problems and solutions at the stage of investigation, prosecution, and trial. A review of effective investigation methods for money laundering encompassed controlled delivery, electronic surveillance, and undercover operations, along with such conventional investigative techniques as interrogation of suspects, interviews with witnesses, search and seizure, shadowing, and observations. Reference materials distributed are listed. The Nepal-UNAFEI Joint Seminar involved six sessions on the following topics: an overview of organized crime, the effective investigation of organized crime, the effective prosecution of organized crime, the effective trial of organized crime, the effective treatment of organized crime offenders, and the drafting of the recommendations and presentation of the seminar report. The seminar concluded with the adoption of recommendations for the improvement of the Nepalese criminal justice system. This newsletter also provides information on UNAFEI programs and activities and lists UNAFEI faculty and staff.