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Two Thousand Seven Presidential Election and the 2005 Urban Violence in French "Deprived Urban Areas" (From Rioting in the UK and France: A Comparative Analysis, P 183-200, 2009, David Waddington, Fabien Jobard, and Mike King, eds. - See NCJ-229457)

NCJ Number
Christine Fauvelle-Aymar; Abel Francois; Patricia Vornetti
Date Published
18 pages
This chapter examines the voting patterns in the 2007 French presidential election of residents in the disadvantaged jurisdictions where the 2005 riots occurred.
The territories analyzed in this study had been designated by French policymakers as urban priority areas called Zone Urbaines Sensibles (ZUSs). These zones are "characterized by the presence of large complexes, degraded housing, and a major imbalance between housing and employment." Approximately 8 percent of the French population lives in 751 ZUSs. The study found that in places where the violence was particularly severe in the 2005 riots, a greater number of voters went to the polls for the presidential election compared to the 2007 parliamentary election and earlier elections (the 2002 parliamentary and presidential elections). These voters were less inclined to vote for candidates representing the extreme right. The intensity of the 2005 riots apparently had a positive effect on voter turnout. The study randomly selected a sample of ZUSs from among those having more than 1,800 residents in the 1999 census (613 ZUSs out of the 751 ZUSs). The urban violence that occurred late in 2005 was measured according to statistics compiled by the national police administration from October 27 to November 20, 2005, based on number of burned cars and damage to public and private property. 5 tables, 2 figures, and 17 notes