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Turkish Criminal Code

NCJ Number
T Ansay, M T Yucel, M Friedman
Date Published
207 pages
After an introduction that outlines the history, organization, and contents of the Turkish Criminal Code, this book presents the code.
The history of the code notes that it is based almost entirely on the Italian Penal Code of 1889. The code was enacted on March 13, 1926, and put into effect on July 1, 1926. It has since been extensively amended. The code consists of two basic parts: the general part, or "Book One," and the special part, or "Book Two" and "Book Three." The general part (Articles 1-124) contains the rules common to all crimes. These encompass the application of the criminal code, punishments, consequences of convictions and mode of execution, criminal capacity and matters that negate or reduce criminal capacity, attempts, participation in felonies and misdemeanors, multiplicity of crimes and punishments, recidivism, suspension of sentence, dismissal of actions and setting aside of punishments, and the restitution of divested rights. Book Two, which specifies the nature and punishments for felonies, classifies them according to felonies against the State, against liberty, against the administration of government, against judicial administration, against public order, against public confidence, against public security, against public decency and family order, against individuals, and against property. Book Three, which pertains to misdemeanors, classifies them as related to public order, to public welfare, to public morals, and to the protection of property. Punishments consist of those that deprive the offender of life, personal liberty, money or wealth, and rights to hold public office or practice a certain profession or trade. Security measures are specified even when no penal sentence is imposed. Neither probation nor parole are included in the code, although suspension of punishment and conditional release are similar.


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