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Trouble With Trouble

NCJ Number
School Safety Dated: (Fall 1992) Pages: 15-17
P M Commanday
Date Published
3 pages
Because many teachers complain that they did not learn how to handle violent or disruptive students in their preservice training, this article offers a few practical suggestions.
Schools are experiencing an increase in the number of violent or disruptive incidents. In dealing with these incidents, teachers should remain personal and avoid questions associated with their identity as teachers or counselors. Teachers should remember that the immediate goal should be to get the attention of violent or disruptive individuals in a way that allows those individuals to save face. Teachers should also show respect from the outset of an incident, to increase the probability that their efforts to resolve the incident will be respected. In addition, teachers should minimize or eliminate surprises, lessen tension by verbalizing quietly and personally, and attempt to win small but sequential victories.