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Tribal Self-Governance: A Handbook for Tribal Governments

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2009
21 pages
This handbook offers assistance to Self-Governance Tribes and the Indian Health Service in the government-to-government negotiations of Self-Governance Compacts and Funding Agreements.
The United States Constitution recognizes Indian nations as governments. Updated to reflect many of the legal and policy changes that have occurred since its original publication, this handbook is organized to provide a Tribal government with current information available on Self-Governance in general and Indian Health Service (IHS) Tribal Self-Governance specifically. The components of self-governance include: the planning phase, the negotiations process, and the actual implementation. The handbook provides detailed information on the negotiations process which includes: 1) negotiation authority (roles and responsibilities); 2) negotiation documents (compact and funding agreement); 3) negotiation process (pre-negotiations, negotiations, and post-negotiations); 4) programs and funding (including residual, tribal shares, and base budgets); 5) inclusion of statutorily mandated grants; 6) process and provisions for final offer; and 7) process and provisions for appeals.


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