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Trial Court Performance Standards With Commentary

NCJ Number
Date Published
48 pages
The 22 performance standards presented, along with the accompanying performance measurement system, are designed for use by State general-jurisdiction trial courts to assess and improve their performance.
The standards -- developed by the Trial Court Performance Standards Project under the sponsorship of the National Center for State Courts and U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance -- are intended as guiding principles and not rigid rules for trial court self-assessment and self-improvement. The standards are grouped into five performance areas: access to justice; expedition and timeliness; equality, fairness, and integrity; independence and accountability; and public trust and confidence. Standards in the area of access to justice require that the structure and machinery of the courts be accessible to those they serve. Standards pertaining to expedition and timeliness relate not only to the prompt and efficient resolution of disputes but to all court activities. Standards in the performance area of equality, fairness, and integrity require that trial courts provide due process and individual justice in each case, treat similar litigants equally, and ensure that their actions are consistent with established law. Standards in the area of independence and accountability require that trial courts be independent and maintain parity with the legislative and executive branches of government. A comprehensive measurement system for each standard is summarized in the concluding section of the book.