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Trends in Violence and Homicide in the Netherlands (From Trends, Risks, and Interventions in Lethal Violence: Proceedings of the Third Annual Spring Symposium of the Homicide Research Working Group, P 117-126, 1995, Carolyn Block and Richard Block, eds.)

NCJ Number
J Nijboer
Date Published
10 pages
This paper discusses trends in violent crime and homicide in the Netherlands, and compares data with those from other North European countries including England and Wales, Sweden, and Germany.

The paper outlines results of comparative research on violence and on homicide trends in the Netherlands. The evidence indicates that violent crime, particularly homicide, is becoming more common in that country, and is a major cause of public concern. More specific data concerning homicide in the Netherlands is summarized in terms of cause and modus operandi. The paper discusses the two main theoretical explanations for the rising homicide rate, focusing on structural and cultural factors, respectively. 6 tables and 14 references