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Trends in Alcohol Consumption and Violent Death (From Drinking and Casualties: Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective, P 319-342, 1989, Norman Giesbrecht et al., eds. -- See NCJ-125300)

NCJ Number
O-J Skog
Date Published
24 pages
Official statistics on mortality and alcohol consumption formed the basis of this analysis of the effects of changing consumption of alcohol on overall mortality rates and the rates of violent death in Norway between 1951 and 1980.
The data were analyzed for males and females separately as well as together. Findings supported the hypothesis that increasing alcohol consumption after World War II has had significant effects on violent deaths, particularly among males and to a lesser extent among females. Results also indicated that alcohol is now the most important single factor related to violent deaths in Norway and is involved in about 35 percent of all the violent deaths among males in the last decade of the study period. These deaths include motor vehicle accidents, falls, drowning, and alcohol poisoning, as well as a small number of homicides and suicides. Discussion of study limitations, figures, tables, and 43 references.


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