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Treatment Programmes for Offenders Run by the Hong Kong Correctional Services (From UNAFEI Resource Material Series No. 54, P 341-347, 1999 -- See NCJ-190077)

NCJ Number
Wai Man Chung
Date Published
September 1999
7 pages
This paper examined offender treatment programs run by the Hong Kong Correctional Services.
The Hong Kong penal system accords paramount importance to the rehabilitation and social reintegration of offenders. In furtherance of this goal, the Hong Kong Correctional Services (HKCS) Department has implemented a series of diversified treatment programs tailored to meet the needs of different types of offenders. Treatment programs for offenders run by HKCS include: (1) Detention Center Program for Young Offenders and Young Adult Offenders; (2) Training Center Program for Young Offenders; (3) Drug Addiction Treatment Center Program; (4) Young Prisoners Program; (5) Release Under Supervision Scheme; and (6) Post-Release Supervision of Prisoners Scheme. The HKCS has also established a new Rehabilitation Division, which reviews existing reintegration and rehabilitation policies and programs and develops and coordinates new initiatives. Hong Kong has increasingly become more rehabilitation oriented in dealing with offenders. The rehabilitative and social integrative approach has been incorporated into the Hong Kong penal system. The HKCS has adopted a differentiated approach to treating various types of offenders in recognition of their rehabilitative needs.