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Treatment Alternative to Street Crime (TASC) Individual Project Reports

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
This report describes the organization and operation of Miami's Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC) program, which identifies drug-abusing arrestees and diverts them to treatment, and it suggests evaluation measures for the project.
The TASC operational components are screening; intake; tracking, evaluation, and research; vocational rehabilitation; and jail treatment. The screening unit is integrated with the regular booking system, operating around the clock 7 days a week. Screening relies on interviews and self-reports to identify TASC-eligible clients. Intake involves examinations and interviews to determine the treatment mode appropriate for the client's particular needs. The tracking unit monitors client treatment progress until treatment termination. Evaluation and research collects and analyzes program data. The vocational rehabilitation unit serves the vocational needs of all clients deemed ready for such services, and the jail treatment unit devises treatment plans for all clients either detained in or sentenced to jail. Clients may be referred to treatment prior to or after disposition of the charges against them. Evaluation measures that could be developed for the Miami TASC project pertain to case flow, client outcome, cost, and community impact. Appended project data summary and flow charts.