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Treatment for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: Opportunities for Coordination

NCJ Number
A H Crowe; R Reeves
Date Published
192 pages
This report provides a detailed discussion of the problem and consequences of drug abuse, the importance and effectiveness of assessment procedures, and current treatment techniques, as well as issues related to productive treatment programming.
The discussion emphasizes the roles and benefits of collaboration among systems with responsibility for coordination. State-level legislative, judicial, and treatment officials are encouraged to use the information as a resource in coordinating and developing treatment strategies based on state-of-the-art practices and identified needs within their States. Individual chapters focus on the process of addiction, the five critical components of effective treatment, the relationship of addiction to crime and other social problems, treatment techniques, screening and assessment, the importance of matching the treatment to the individual, and issues related to special populations. Additional chapters discuss infectious diseases related to drug abuse, pharmacotherapies, relapse prevention, evaluation, confidentiality, systems coordination, the role of legislatures, and the role of State courts. Figures, tables, charts, and chapter reference lists