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NCJ Number
Date Published
197 pages
This report of the President's Commission on Model State Drug Laws presents seven model State statutes designed to close gaps in the continuum of substance abuse treatment, resolve problems in obtaining treatment, and promote methods to increase early intervention and treatment.
The Model Addiction Costs Reduction Act provides a continuum of treatment for addiction in the health insurance plans of insurers and health maintenance organizations. Under the Model Medicaid Addiction Costs Reduction Act, there is a continuum of treatment for addiction under State Medicaid plans. Provisions of the Model Family Preservation Act provide residential treatment programs for pregnant women and girls as well as parents with dependent children. Addiction treatment for Medicaid-eligible children is provided through State implementation of the Federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Program. The Model Managed Care Consumer Protection Act provides consumer protection for managed care firms that work with alcohol and other drug abusers as well as addicted individuals and families. Under the Model Health Professionals Training Act, medical school curricula provide training in alcohol and other drug abuse and addiction, early detection, and intervention as part of continuing medical education. Provisions of the Model Criminal Justice Treatment Act ensure addiction diagnosis, screening, and treatment as part of involvement with the criminal justice system. Besides the proposed model laws, the Commission urges States to seek appropriate changes in policies of the Health Care Financing Administration to provide matching Medicaid dollars for long-term residential rehabilitation.