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Treating Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Among Homeless Men and Women: Nine Community Demonstration Grants

NCJ Number
M Argeriou, D McCarty
Date Published
164 pages
Professionals involved in the development and implementation of nine community demonstration grants that provide alcohol and drug treatment for homeless persons in Alaska, California, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, and Pennsylvania discuss related needs and opportunities in their communities and describe program features.
The variety of services and evaluation approaches described in this book are intended to begin the process of identifying effective recovery strategies for homeless men and women with alcohol and drug problems. Some of the specific homeless groups targeted in the described programs are women, Alaskan natives, American Indians, blacks, Hispanics, persons with mental illness, those who use both drugs and alcohol, chronic alcoholics, and cocaine addicts. Program descriptions encompass client characteristics, project services, project implementation, and evaluation. Topics include philosophical and programmatic differences, implementation problems including community resistance and staffing, and procedures for assessing program outcomes. Also included is an overview of the efforts of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to serve the homeless and a discussion of implications for future policy and programming decisions. Chapter tables and references