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Traumas Precipitating Female Delinquency: Implications for Assessment, Practice and Policy

NCJ Number
Child and Adolescent Social Work Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Dated: (October 1990) Pages: 389-401
L B Bowers
Date Published
13 pages
The relationship between the traumas of physical and/or sexual abuse as precipitating events to the behavioral manifestation of female delinquency is explored.
A review of the literature suggests the presence of such a relationship for children with inadequate resources in their environment to reveal and end victimization. Social workers are increasingly aware that such a relationship often exists but have yet to operationalize the relevant implications for assessment, practice, and policy in the juvenile justice system. Social workers must assess the possibility of posttraumatic stress and its impact for female adolescents who reveal victimization. The goal of clinical practice is to empower the female adolescent to reveal her traumatic experience, to end present victimization, and to prevent further revictimization. The social worker must remain open and be willing to explore the nature of the adolescent's victimization rather than focusing solely on her acting out behavior. Trust, empathy, and empowerment develop the therapeutic relationship. The social worker also needs to develop a plan of intervention strategies to be implemented in the adolescent's community and to connect the adolescent with resources to channel her energy in a productive way. 11 references (Author abstract modified)