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Trauma-Informed Mentoring

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2019

This toolkit for mentoring consisting of 19 modules and is a resource for multidisciplinary professionals, policy makers, volunteers, faith communities, and others involved in anti-human trafficking work.


Trauma Informed Practices utilizes a strengths-based approach to recognize the impact of trauma while shifting people’s perception of identity with strengths and resilience rather than focusing on the trauma that happened. This toolkit aims to provide information on a variety of topics related to human trafficking with a specific focus on mentoring for victims of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). The toolkit’s 19 modules include: the importance of language in anti-trafficking work; survivor-centered and survivor-led practices; understanding related legislation; spirituality and involving the faith community; sustainability; self-care for professionals and mentors; trauma-informed mentoring; mentee and mentor readiness modules; the basics of mentoring; LGBTQ+ youth and CSEC; girls and CSEC; boys and CSEC; positive youth development; human trafficking basics; critical elements of mentoring; Indigenous, Native American/Alaskan Native youth and CSEC; culturally responsive mentoring for youth of color; and mentoring models for survivors of CSEC.