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Trauma Focused CBT for Children with Co-Occurring Trauma and Behavior Problems

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect Volume: 34 Issue: 4 Dated: April 2010 Pages: 215-224
Judith A. Cohen; Lucy Berliner; Anthony Mannarino
Date Published
April 2010
10 pages
This study examined practical strategies for managing behavior problems in the context of trauma-focused evidence-based treatment (EBT) using a commonly implemented EBT for traumatized children.
Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a highly versatile therapy model that targets trauma-specific emotional impacts and provides skill to children and families that are proven to be helpful in addressing behavior problems. When families of traumatized children are presented with behavior problems or complex situations, the therapist should decide whether the behavior problem can be effectively addressed by TF-CBT with the focus on the behavior problems being triaged up for immediate attention, or whether the behavior is so severe or is not trauma-related such that is preferable to provide a different behavior-focused intervention. Once behavior problems are identified as a treatment target within TF-CBT, it is important to adhere to the basic principles for addressing these problems. Finally even if behavior problems are a primary target of treatment, TF-CBT is not what is being provided unless there is a consistent and regular trauma-focus during every treatment session. Figures and references


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