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Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users (From AIDS Knowledge Base, P (1-1.2.6)-(4-1.2.6), 1990, P T Cohen, Merle A Sande, et al, eds. -- See NCJ-124753)

NCJ Number
R E Chaisson
Date Published
4 pages
Seventeen percent of all AIDS cases in the United States are attributed to intravenous drug use (IVDU); IVDU's are also responsible for transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to other groups, most notably sexual partners and children of drug addicts.
Transmission of HIV in IVDU's occurs primarily through contamination of injection paraphernalia with infected blood. Sharing of needles and syringes is common among drug users. The sharing of a vessel for injecting drugs is also common. Demographic factors are strongly associated with HIV infection for reasons not clearly understood. Members of ethnic minorities are overrepresented among both AIDS cases and HIV infection in IVDU's in the United States. Although IVDU's can transmit HIV infection through sexual contact, the primary mode of infection in addicts is needle use. This is shown in several studies on prostitutes that identify IVDU, not prostitution, as the primary risk factor for infection. Studies of heterosexual couples in which one or both partners are IVDU's have shown that heterosexual transmission to a non-drug-using partner is unusual; whereas, when both partners use drugs, concomitant infection is common. 20 references.

Sale Source
The Medical Publishing Group

1440 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02154, United States

Publication Type
Best Practice/State-of-the-Art Review
United States of America


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