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Translating Evidence-based Practices from Community to Corrections: An Example of Implementing DBT-CM

NCJ Number
Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim Treatment and Prevention Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Dated: 2010 Pages: 114-123
Susan Sampl; Sara Wakai; Robert L Trestman
Date Published
10 pages

This paper describes the process of adapting and implementing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for use in correctional settings, to illustrate key issues involved in translating community-based interventions to corrections.


Trestman, Sampl, Pagano, and Zhang (2008), developed and tested the effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Corrections Modified (DBT-CM) in three difficult to manage, impulsive and/or aggressive correctional populations in Connecticut. The adaptations they found necessary to implement included modifications to treatment procedures and parameters related to correctional system issues. It is hoped that the challenges and recommendations highlighted in this paper will be of value to clinicians, researchers and custody professions who intend to translate similar or related community-developed evidence-based treatment programs to correctional settings. (Published Abstract provided)