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Transforming Abuse: Nonviolent Resistance and Recovery

NCJ Number
K L Schmidt
Date Published
189 pages
This book describes an intervention and healing strategy to break the cycle of violence against women and children.
The book offers a theory and method of recovery grounded in the connections between feminism and nonviolence. The book is presented in 13 chapters, with selected sub-chapters: (1) Violence Against Women and Children (the sexuality of terrorism, surviving daily violence); (2) Feminism and Nonviolence (change not vengeance, trusting our instincts); (3) Principles and Practices of Nonviolence; (4) Truth and Testimony; (5) Safety and Sanctuary; (6) Despair and Empowerment; (7) Anger and Action (men stopping male violence, resistance); (8) Self and Other (nonviolence as a direction, codependence and interdependence); (9) Defense and Disarmament (redefining protection); (10) Nonviolence in Our Families; (11) Nonviolence in Our Communities; (12) Creative Justice; and (13) Grace (relationship as a sacrament, forgiveness). The book includes exercises for use by individuals or groups. Notes, references, bibliography


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