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Trajectories of HIV Risk Behavior From Age 15 to 25 in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Sample

NCJ Number
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Volume: 38 Issue: 9 Dated: October 2009 Pages: 1226-1239
Debra A. Murphy; Mary-Lynn Brecht; Diane M. Herbeck; David Huang
Date Published
October 2009
14 pages
Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) were used to examine youths' sexual-risk trajectories that may put them at risk for HIV, as well as factors associated with various risk trajectories.
For both males and females, consistently higher risk levels for HIV increased to early adulthood, followed by some decrease, as measured by the frequency of sexual intercourse, the number of partners, and the number of times the respondent and her/his partner used condoms. Substance use was measured by the frequency and amounts of alcohol consumed and the use of various types of drugs. There was a short period of increase in risky behaviors to the late teens, followed by a longer period of decrease. More African-Americans were found among the "decreased-trajectory" group. Among the low-risk group, a higher number of youth came from families with parents who spoke a language other than English. The high-risk group had a higher percentage of subjects in nonmetropolitan areas and highest alcohol use. Among males, being employed and being in the military were associated with inclusion in the high-risk group. The findings suggest that efforts to prevent risky behaviors associated with HIV infection should develop distinctive strategies that target various high-risk groups with different patterns of sexual and substance-use risk. Study data were drawn from the 1997 NLSY. The purpose of the NLSY was to longitudinally track adolescents as they transitioned from school to work. In addition to extensive education and employment measures, the survey included data on the youths' attitudes and behaviors, including sexual risk and delinquency behaviors, substance use, family background, and mental health variables. The 1997 NLSY consisted of a nationally representative sample of 6,748 youth and an over-sample of Black and Hispanic youth who were born between 1986 and 1984. 2 tables, 6 figures, 1 appendix, and 52 references