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Training Schools, 1970

NCJ Number
Date Published
47 pages
These statistics from Canadian juvenile training schools cover the gross movement of population into and out of the schools, including children who may have more than one admission during the year (duplicated count); the total training population (unduplicated); and children admitted to and released from schools (unduplicated).
In the duplicated count of gross population movements, the capacity of each training school is indicated on a monthly basis. A comparison of this figure with the corresponding standard capacity reflects the degree to which individual facilities are being used. Data on the unduplicated count of the total training population cover types of committals and releases. Information is also provided for age at admittance, term of committal, education at admission, guardianship, employment status, previous dispositions, length of stay, types of residence, training plans, and supervision. Several special tables are provided to compare admission and release data between Provinces. The appendixes contain data on population movement and capacity of training schools on the last day of each month for 1970 and the definitions of terminology used in the report.