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Training Course in the Analysis of Crime and the Criminal Justice System - Introduction

NCJ Number
V O'Leary
Date Published
0 pages
Briefly introduced are the training program's origins and the basic concepts and structure of the training modules to follow.
The material evolved from five academic conferences and several seminars for both State and local criminal justice professionals. The course's definition of analysis incorporates use of criminal justice and other relevant data bases for the purpose of effective resource allocation. A rational decisionmaking planning model illustrates the role of analysis in problem definition and forecasting, particularly at the problem specification and alternative strategy identification stages. The course curriculum derives from a seminar at the local program level on how to measure crime and delinquency. Successive instructional modules will deal with the use and limitations of uniform crime reports and victimization studies, crime rates and seriousness measures, trend analysis, and demographic and other crime correlates. The concluding presentation concerns criminal justice performance measures and system flow analysis in terms of cost and manpower measurements and simulation models. The course is intended to culminate in participant involvement in a problem exercise and presentations.


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