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Traffic Safety Demonstration Program Modeling System, Volume 2 System Manual - Final Report

NCJ Number
N A David; S I Gass; R H Cronin; R E Denny
Date Published
111 pages
This report describes the operating system of the Traffic Safety Demonstration Modeling System (DEMON), an interactive computer model used to analyze ongoing National Highway Traffic Safety Administration projects or to model new or alternate concepts.
Preset or newly derived data files arse used by DEMON to study new options of varying the target groups being studied, increasing or decreasing costs, and workload associated with sequences of countermeasures. Recidivism estimates are made so that statistical analysis of proposed project impact may be conducted. DEMON computes sample sizes obtained and alternatively, those required to assess impact within desired confidence bounds. The system was designed for the noncomputer-oriented user. Specific user commands and sequences are given and file construction is detailed. A detailed discussion of the modeling techniques is illustrated through descriptions of preprocessing and postprocessing routines and modeling techniques used to determine increased target group arrests. A description of the interactive features of the system is presented as a users' guide. Figures and tables are included. (Author abstract modified)