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Towards a Family Support Approach With Drug-Using Parents: The Importance of Social Worker Attitudes and Knowledge

NCJ Number
Child Abuse Review Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Dated: Jan-Feb 1999 Pages: 15-28
P Adams
Date Published
14 pages
This study considers social worker attitudes to drug-using parents in the context of developing a family support approach with this client group.
An Attitudes to Drug Use and Parenting Survey was formulated and applied to social work staff in an Outer London Borough and this was complemented by semi-structured interviews. The vast majority of social workers wanted to support drug-using parents, rejected negative stereotypes of them and were optimistic that supportive approaches could lead to positive outcomes. However, some workers displayed a measure of ambivalence or lack of confidence in their stated positions, and seemed to hold attitudes inconsistent with family support for drug-using parents, and were likely to discriminate against them. Training of social workers should include not only factual matters, but should help them consider their attitudes toward drug-using parents. This should be a part of any effort to refocus from child protection to a more supportive approach. Tables, references