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Toward an Understanding of 'Local Legal Culture'

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1981) Pages: 200-217
D R Sherwood; M A Clarke
Date Published
18 pages
This article reports the results of an Institute for Court Management symposium, held with personnel in the 3rd Judicial Circuit (Wayne County, Michigan). The symposium used a questionnaire to identify the participants' perceptions - and their views of others' perceptions - on a range of subjects, including items related to civil case delay.
The results suggested a high degree of agreement on many items, thus supporting the notion of a 'local legal culture.' It also found, however, that on some crucial matters, participants in the caseflow process may seriously misjudge the perceptions of other participants, thus frustrating the court's ability to exert leadership in caseflow management. (Author abstract)