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Toward a Thermoregulatory Model of Violence

NCJ Number
Journal of Environmental Systems Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Dated: (1981-82) Pages: 81-87
E O Boyanowsky; J Calvert; J Young; L Brideau
Date Published
7 pages
To determine the direct effects of environmental temperature on emotion, physiological arousal, and aggression, a series of studies was conducted.
Subjects instigated to aggress against an insulting evaluator displayed an affective pattern of heightened aggression under conditions of uncomfortable heat, and an instrumental pattern under conditions of uncomfortable cold. These findings suggest intraindividual mechanisms and conditions that could account for the correlational findings mentioned: heightened temperature may lower an individual's threshold for aggression under conditions of interpersonal provocation. In addition, tympanic temperatures monitoring changes at the anterior hypothalamus may be a useful index of instigation to aggression. A total of 16 references are included. (Author abstract modified)


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