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Toward a Drug-free Indiana: A Strategic Report to the Governor

NCJ Number
Date Published
99 pages
A task force that spent a year examining issues related to alcohol and other drug abuse in Indiana recommends a variety of short-term and long-term strategies for prevention, workplace programs, treatment, criminal justice system efforts, and program coordination and financing.
The recommendations include broad goals, recommendations, implementation strategies, statements of rationale for the recommendations, estimated costs of implementing the recommendations, a suggested State agency to be assigned the main responsibility for implementation or oversight, and a list of the other parties that should be involved. Recommendations include establishing a comprehensive and coordinated statewide public awareness program; requiring warning labels on all printed alcohol advertisements and product labels; and educating students, school staff, and parents about health and legal risks and consequences associated with alcohol and other drug use. Other recommendations focus on the involvement of all segments of the community in prevention efforts, providing leadership to public and private employers and regulatory bodies on drug-free workplace issues, ensuring the availability of publicly funded drug treatment services for persons unable to purchase care, and enhancing drug law enforcement efforts.