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Tools for the Trade: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Art of Communication

NCJ Number
Federal Probation Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 11-16
R Gray
Date Published
6 pages
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is presented as a tool that probation officers can use to develop rapport and communicate effectively with their clients.
Rapport is viewed as a state of subjective receptivity that encourages openness on both the conscious and unconscious levels. Rapport skills include matching predicates to learn how the client processes information and modeling of the clients physical position to gain some insight into their internal state. For content oriented information, the meta-model of communication may be helpful. It approaches language as transformational grammar in which the full linguistic expression is not always fully expressed by what is actually said and is dependent on biological and cultural influences reflected in individual linguistic patterns. These transformations allow certain predictable forms that an experienced interviewer can intuitively identify or analyze where the data have been omitted, distorted, or generalized, in order to then demand further elucidation upon these perceptions. The specific clues to transformations of meaning are included in several violations of linguistic criteria of well formedness. These violations include deletions, lack of referential index, unspecified verbs, nominalizations, modal operators, universal qualifiers, cause-effect chains, mind reading, and lost performatives. NLP offers the criminal justice field strategies for modeling and changing behavior. 7 references

