This "tip sheet" from the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center suggests ways in which leaders of communities that have experienced a mass violence incident (MVI) can support the remembrance of victims of the MVI.
The suggested remembrance activities are listed under the following time periods after the MVI: 1) In the Immediate aftermath; 2) During the first year; and 3) Long-term. Among the activities listed for the immediate aftermath are to make public space available for gatherings; provide appropriate security; focus on events that will include everyone; and invite speakers, local musicians, and artists from all parts of the affected community in expressions of remembrance of MVI victims. During the first year after the MVI, the tip sheet suggests that community leaders encourage sharing thoughts and feelings about what happened and how it affected the community. Victims and survivors should be made aware of mental health services that address prolonged sadness and depression. Among the suggestions for long-term remembrance of MVI victims/survivors are the creation of scholarships, mental health programs, parks, and foundations with a purpose related to the impact of the MVI.