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Time To Think: Social/Cognitive Skills Programming in Transition in New Mexico

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 107-110
W F De Maret
Date Published
4 pages
The Canadian Reasoning and Rehabilitation program is currently being implemented in New Mexico correctional institutions under the name "Time To Think."
The program consists of 35, 2-hour sessions given to groups of 4 to 8 inmates. The curriculum addresses areas of cognitive development in which offenders are found to be deficient including problem solving, social skills, negotiation skills, management of emotions, creative thinking, values enhancement, and critical reasoning. The "Time To Think" program was developed in the mid-1980's with a view to impacting on the rehabilitation of offenders and preventing crime and delinquency. The political environment in New Mexico with respect to correctional education was the most significant factor influencing implementation of this program in the State. Other jurisdictions considering integration of the "Time To Think" approach should allocate time and resources to complete the specialized training, carefully select effective program presenters, use appropriate promotions and orientations to ensure a positive response to the program, and involve faculty and institutional administrators. 1 reference