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Through the Looking Glass, Darkly: Teaching for Thinking

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 74-78
P C Roby; H Dwyer
Date Published
5 pages
Curriculum development for correctional education must consider both current realities and preferred alternatives to behavior and decisions. The primary objectives of both GED and post-secondary correctional education should be instructing students to adopt appropriate socially-oriented thinking patterns, to stimulate collaborative work habits and projects, to assist the setting of realistic vocational and personal goals, and to nurture positive self-esteem.
Exercises in this program employ collaborative learning and problem solving techniques, with particular attention paid to "otherness" and decision making. Students learn skills necessary to choose positive patterns of decision making. The curriculum deals with recognizing prescribed reasoning patterns, language as power, and social labeling paradigms. 17 references


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