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Three-Dimensional Models for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Identification Volume: 52 Issue: 2 Dated: March/April 20002 Pages: 183-203
Craig C. Moore
Date Published
21 pages
This article notes that teaching and court presentation on bloodstain pattern analysis traditionally have included the use of two-dimensional drawings to illustrate the angles, shapes and interpretative analysis of bloodstain pattern relationships.
The article reports that a project development objective was to create a demonstrative aid that would be a clear, uncomplicated illustrative presentation. Four theoretical three-dimensional blood drop models were created, with specific written instructions, each model being the same shape and size for consistency in court presentations. The knowledge obtained from the models was surveyed in two areas of questioning: measurement of directionality of individual blood droplets and use of a photo enlargement of medium velocity impact spatter pattern. The percentage of correct answers indicated the models effectively conveyed that a unanimous and complete understanding could be obtained through demonstration of the 3-D models. The models have been successfully used in teaching in post secondary institutions and to police in forensics. The models were first introduced and accepted in court in December of 2000 and patents were granted in both the United States and Canada in 1999 and 2000. 15 Figures, 4 references