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These Kids Are Home Now: Safe, Loved, For Good

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
The National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association is a nationwide organization of programs that train volunteers to speak up for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court proceedings.
For 20 years, CASA volunteers have been working to see that every child has a chance to grow up in a safe, permanent, and loving home. Because there is a great need for additional volunteers, CASA has a new member information packet that explains the association's goals and objectives in working with abused and neglected children. The packet lists the following CASA functions: (1) provide new CASA programs with intensive consultation, technical assistance, and resource materials; (2) convene local and state training sessions for CASA programs on a variety of issues; (3) provide ongoing support for existing CASA programs; (4) actively engage in public policy development; (5) conduct ongoing publicity efforts; (6) convene an annual multidisciplinary conference for CASA program staff, volunteers, judges, attorneys, social workers, and other professionals; (7) administer federal grant funds to promote the development and expansion of CASA programs; and (8) work to assure quality management through national standards. National CASA departments are listed, along with materials and benefits provided with each CASA membership.