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Therapeutic Climate of Sexual Offender Treatment Programs

NCJ Number
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Dated: July 1997 Pages: 219-237
A Beech; A S Fordham
Date Published
19 pages
A measure of group atmosphere, the Group Environment Scale (GES), was administered to members and leaders of 12 sex offender treatment groups in the United Kingdom; eight were probation programs and four were programs at a long-term residential center.
The GES measured the following aspects of group processes: relationships within the group, personal growth of members, and group structure. Results suggested group atmosphere had an important influence on treatment change. A successful group was highly cohesive, was well-organized and led, encouraged the open expression of feelings, produced a sense of group responsibility, and instilled a sense of hope in members. A helpful and supportive leadership style was important in creating an atmosphere in which effective therapy could take place. Overcontrolling leaders had a detrimental effect on group climate. The authors conclude the employment of a group process measure such as the GES is a useful part of any outcome evaluation of sex offender treatment programs. 20 references, 4 tables, and 1 figure