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From Theory to Research to Policy: Scandinavian Developments in Juvenile Crime Prevention and Control (From Selected Issues in Criminal Justice, 1985, P 78- 90, Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control -see NCJ-133290)

NCJ Number
M Joutsen
Date Published
13 pages
This paper reviews current youth crime research being conducted in the Scandinavian countries and its impact on criminal policy.
Criminal justice research in Scandinavia is carried out both in academic and government institutions and is characterized by a high degree of international cooperation. At times joint research projects are undertaken by all the Scandinavian countries. Because of the high incidence of youth crime, particularly property offenses, it is a popular subject of criminal justice research. As in other countries, the rate of juvenile delinquency is higher than that of adult crime, and the rate of unreported crime is also high. Four principal themes have emerged in youth crime research: unemployment as a factor in criminality, the use of narcotics, the criminogenic role of gangs, and the status of immigrants and other minority groups. While most studies on prevention and control are limited to evaluations of the efficiency of current procedures, the subject of imprisonment has been a focal point of much research. 37 notes