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Theory of the Causes of Courtship Rape: Part 2

NCJ Number
Journal of Social Issues Volume: 48 Issue: 1 Dated: (1992) Pages: 127-143
R L Shotland
Date Published
17 pages
A theory is proposed that there may be as many as five types of courtship rape.
The five types of date rape in the proposed typology are beginning date rape, early date rape, relational date rape, rape within sexually active couples and rape which occurs within couples who have an ongoing sexual relationship. Each type of rape arises at a different stage of a romantic relationship in terms of both the length of the relationship and previous sexual activity. Beginning date rape occurs during a couple's first few dates. Early date rape occurs after several dates, but before the couple has established sexual ground rules. Relational rape takes place after the couple's sexual ground rules have been established. The two forms of rape that occur after a couple has or had an active sexual relationship are distinguished by the presence or absence of battering. When this form of rape occurs without physical abuse, it may be essentially the same as relational rape. The hypotheses that can be generated from this model need to be tested in terms of the interaction of rapist's and victim's characteristics as well as their main effects. 47 references (Author abstract modified)


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