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Textbooks of Political Violence - A Selected Bibliography (From Clandestine Tactics and Technology - A Technical and Background Intelligence Data Service, Volume 2 - See NCJ-77150)

NCJ Number
F M Watson
Date Published
20 pages
A rationale for studying terrorist literature is given. A bibliography compiled by a guerrilla organization is presented, and a bibliography created for students of terrorism is provided.
The article suggests that studies of revolutionary and terrorist publications are necessary if the goals, objectives, and tactics of these organizations are to be understood. Terrorist literature covers basic indoctrination, interpretations of current conditions, and administrative and occupational details. A bibliography produced by the Liberated Guardian includes recommended readings in these areas, other general readings, and case studies. About 90 items are included in this section; recommended items are noted. The second bibliography consists of about 60 annotated entries by terrorist theorists and practitioners and by government agencies and independent authors.


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